“Diabetes and hypertension are so common in Sierra Leone.” This is according to Dr. Olabisi Jagun, Team Lead for a Special Health Mission to Sierra Leone working on Hypertension and Diabetes.
She said the mission has been in the country for the past few weeks offering free medical treatment to vulnerable people and have been able to treat hundreds of people with quality medication.
Awareness Times Newspaper reveals that Dr. Jagun said a lot of patients are walking around with very high blood pressure and very high blood
sugar and that they are not even aware of it.
He recommended Hypertension and Diabetic patients to do regular check-up and regular screening so these problems can be picked up at a very early stage where it can be manageable.
He said because Hypertension goes on for so long, patients can get Strokes and it is too late to do anything about it once patients have a Stroke. So, he went on; “the earlier we detect it by regular check-up the sooner we can start treating them so we can prevent the complication”.