His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has appointed a new Ambassador-designate to Senegal, with accreditations to Mauritania and Cape Verde.

The previous Ambassador Alhaji Brima Elvis Koroma has been appointed as Ambassador-designate to Algeria.

The new Sierra Leone Ambassador-designate to Senegal is Mr. Ibrahim Turay. He has a wealth of experience working in Senegal spanning over 8 years as Fisheries Expert and Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist in the Regional Coordination Unit of the World Bank funded West Africa Regional Fisheries Program based at the Permanent Secretariat of the Sub Regional Fisheries Commission in Dakar, Senegal.

He was providing technical support to ten coastal countries in West Africa

He comes with a wealth of experience in economic diplomacy that would be of immense benefit to both Sierra Leone and Senegal as the two countries have recently signed joint trade agreements.

Senegal’s long coastline makes fishing an important employer and economic engine for its population.