Sierra Leone’s Minister of Information and Civic Education, Chernor Bah, has successfully completed the prestigious Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellowship in London.

The six-month program, run by the African Leadership Institute, brings together emerging leaders from across Africa for intensive intellectual and leadership training. The Fellowship is regarded as one of the continent’s most competitive platforms for leadership development.

During the fellowship, participants shared personal success stories, engaged in thought-provoking discussions, and applied leadership theories through practical assignments. The program aimed to equip African leaders with the tools to address complex governance and development challenges.

Reflecting on the experience, Minister Bah said the fellowship had “re-energized and challenged” him to further serve his country in his role as Information Minister. “I had the absolute honor of working for a boss – President Julius Maada Bio – who not only allowed me to embark on this journey but supported and inspired me throughout,” Bah stated.

As Minister of Information, Bah is responsible for delivering on President Bio’s vision of expanding civic space and fostering dialogue between citizens and the government. “My battery has been more than recharged – it’s been repurposed and regenerated,” he said, expressing a renewed sense of commitment to his duties.

Minister Bah concluded by affirming his readiness to implement the lessons learned through the fellowship. “I am ready to live the dream by doing what I have been tasked to do as best as I can,” he added.

The Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellowship is recognized for shaping the next generation of African leaders committed to driving positive change across the continent.