Sierra Leone’s Minister of Internal Affairs, has hailed the Ghana Police Service as a model for effective policing across Africa. Speaking at the Ghana Police Headquarters, Taluvu commended the service for setting a high standard in law enforcement on the continent.

During his visit, Taluvu, who led a delegation including Sierra Leone’s Inspector General of Police (IGP) William Fayia Sellu and Deputy Minister of Justice Alpha Sesay, acknowledged the significant strides made by the Ghana Police Service in recent years. He noted, “The Ghana Police Service has become a benchmark for policing excellence in Africa. The transformation from a traditional force to a service deeply integrated with the community is remarkable.”

Taluvu emphasized that other African nations, including Sierra Leone, are keen to learn from Ghana’s innovative approaches and leadership in policing. He expressed admiration for the service’s efforts to foster strong community relations and improve overall effectiveness.

Ghana’s IGP Dr. George Akuffo Dampare welcomed the Sierra Leonean delegation and expressed enthusiasm about the collaborative learning opportunity. “It is essential for security agencies across Africa to engage with each other,” Dampare said. “Our goal is to be a service to the people, and initiatives like the Snatch Them Young Policing program, intelligence-led operations, and increased visibility are key to achieving that.”

The visit underscored the growing collaboration among African nations to enhance policing standards and share best practices.