Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, a prominent All People’s Congress (APC) politician and former Anti-Corruption Commissioner in Sierra Leone, recently reflected on his achievements during his tenure.
In a statement, Kamara emphasized his significant impact on the fight against corruption, highlighting his six-year service as the Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).
“JFK was ACC Commissioner for six years and charged 429 accused persons, Had 87% successful convictions, including but not limited to Ministers of Government. JFK is the only Sierra Leonean to have won the World Bank Integrity Award.” Kamara stated, referring to the numerous cases of corruption he handled during his leadership.
He proudly noted an impressive 87% success rate in convictions, which included high-profile cases against government ministers and other influential figures. His time at the ACC is marked by a relentless pursuit of accountability and transparency, aiming to curb corruption at all levels of governance in Sierra Leone.