Joy Precious Baryoh, a prominent lawyer and recent candidate for the treasurer position in the Sierra Leone Bar Association elections, has been granted bail following an overnight detention by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Sierra Leone Police.

Baryoh was arrested on allegations of cyber stalking and bullying, stemming from her response to a tweet by President Julius Maada Bio.

The arrest of Baryoh, a well-known figure in the legal community, has ignited widespread concern and debate over issues of freedom of speech and the treatment of legal professionals in Sierra Leone. Baryoh’s detention led to a chorus of calls for her immediate release from both local and international human rights advocates, who argue that her arrest represents an overreach by authorities and a potential infringement on her right to free expression.

Baryoh spent the night in custody at the CID headquarters before being released on bail. She was represented by prominent lawyers Madieu Sesay and Jocelyn Turay, who argued vigorously for her release, emphasizing her right to free speech and the importance of upholding legal standards in the treatment of professionals within the judiciary.

The specific circumstances surrounding Baryoh’s arrest are tied to a tweet she directed at President Bio, which allegedly constituted cyber stalking and bullying under Sierra Leone’s cybercrime laws. However, critics of the arrest suggest that the move may have been politically motivated, aiming to silence a critical voice in the legal community.

The case has brought to the forefront discussions about the balance between maintaining public order and protecting individual freedoms in the digital age. Sierra Leone, like many other countries, is grappling with the challenges posed by social media and online interactions, and the legal frameworks governing such activities are continually being tested.