In a leaked letter addressed to the judiciary, the Campaign for Human Rights and Development International (CHRDI) has raised significant concerns over delays in expediting a crucial judicial review matter before the High Court of Sierra Leone.

The letter, penned by CHRDI, a prominent advocacy organization, underscores the critical importance of upholding the rule of law and ensuring timely dispensation of justice. It criticizes the sluggish pace of judicial proceedings, describing the process as “agonizingly slow, painful, and strenuous.

According to CHRDI, the case in question (filed in early April 2024 with case file number 5/2024 by JENKINS JOHNSTON & CO law Chamber) seeks to restrain the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education from instituting changes at the University of Sierra Leone, specifically regarding the appointment of a Vice-Chancellor. Despite the urgency of the matter, CHRDI laments that the court has not prioritized the case, resulting in nearly four months of unnecessary delay.

The organization emphasizes that such delays undermine public confidence in the judiciary and threaten the foundational principles of accountability and justice. They express concern that prolonged postponements erode trust in the judicial system and jeopardize democratic values in Sierra Leone.

CHRDI calls upon the judiciary, under the leadership of the acting Chief Justice, to expedite the pending ruling on the injunction application scheduled for May 9th, which has yet to be addressed. They urge the judiciary to uphold fairness and promptly address legal matters that impact the rights and interests of citizens.

The leaked letter concludes with an appeal to uphold the rule of law and ensure that justice prevails for all Sierra Leoneans, advocating for a judicial system that operates independently and effectively.