Farmers in the Kabassa community, located in the Tonko Limba Chiefdom of Kambia District, have issued a direct appeal to the government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for access to modern farming equipment. The community, which primarily depends on agriculture for its livelihood, has struggled for decades with inadequate tools, leading to consistently poor harvests and limited economic progress.

Mohamed Kamara, a community elder, spoke on behalf of the farmers, emphasizing the dire need for mechanized tools to improve agricultural output. “Our fields are fertile, but we’re still using outdated, rudimentary tools,” Kamara said. “We need tractors, fertilizers, and modern farming equipment to increase productivity and sustain our families.”

The lack of modern equipment has hampered the community’s ability to produce adequate crops, with cassava, rice, and groundnuts suffering under the inefficiencies of manual labor. Kamara highlighted the community’s commitment to farming but stressed that without proper tools, the potential for a successful harvest remains out of reach.

The appeal comes at a time when the global demand for agricultural products continues to rise. Kamara suggested that with the right support, Kabassa could become a significant contributor to Sierra Leone’s agricultural exports. “We could help feed the nation and even export to Europe, boosting our economy,” he said.

The farmers have requested immediate assistance in the form of tractors, seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural training to improve their techniques and increase yields. Kamara’s plea underscores the community’s hope that the government will prioritize agricultural development to alleviate poverty and create jobs.

“Farming is our only hope,” Kamara concluded, urging the government to act swiftly to provide the necessary resources. “We want a better future for our children, and that starts with giving us the tools we need to succeed.”