Samura Kamara of Sierra Leone’s main opposition party, the All People’s Congress (APC), has strongly criticized the recent political development in the country, following the controversial June 24 general elections.

Kamara, who ran as the APC presidential candidate and lost to the incumbent Julius Maada Bio of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), refused to accept the election results due to alleged irregularities in the counting and tabulation process.

In a statement addressing the nation on Thursday, July 13, 2023, Kamara expressed his concerns about the lack of transparency and credibility in the electoral commission’s handling of the votes. He emphasized that the election results were declared without the proper counting or tallying of votes by what should have been an independent and trustworthy electoral body.

Kamara lamented that each passing day in Sierra Leone’s political landscape seemed to represent a step backward rather than progress. He called upon the citizens to seek divine intervention, asking Almighty God, who is the Judge of All, to judge and guide the nation towards a better future. He concluded his address by invoking the Peace of God upon all Sierra Leoneans.

The APC presidential candidate’s refusal to accept the election results highlights the deep divisions and disputes surrounding the recent electoral process in Sierra Leone. The opposition party has persistently raised concerns about the credibility of the results, demanding an independent investigation into the alleged irregularities.