Young Sierra Leonean Tech Engineer Kelvin Doe has accused the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) of trying to make voting difficult ahead of the upcoming June 24th elections.

The Tech Engineer recently posted on his Facebook asking a question on Why is the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone intentionally trying to make it more difficult for Sierra Leoneans to Vote. 

With his question, many Sierra Leoneans have responded by asking the young Engineer to justify his statement on how ECSL is making it difficult for Sierra Leoneans to vote.

Meanwhile, he justified his statement on his Facebook page that the only Team he is on with is Sierra Leone and that is why he continues to ask the big questions.

“The Only team I’m on is Team Sierra Leone. That’s exactly why I will continue to ask the big. questions. Some of us just want our people and country to thrive. Is that too much to ask for?” Kelvin stated.

Kelvin Doe who currently reside in Canada was 11 years old when he began gathering waste metal and electronic scraps, eventually gathering sufficient pieces in order to build his mini generators. At the age of 13, he created batteries and generators using materials he picked up around his home and from rubbish bins which were used to light up homes in his neighborhood.