A new documentary titled ‘The New Boat’ produced by Freetown Media Centre has accused Korean and Chinese Fishermen of illegal fishing.
According to the film the practice normally occurs at night and has had a huge impact on artisanal fishermen especially those that use small dugout canoe. It also revealed that the industrial fishermen often disregard fishing rules like non-adherence of marine protected areas, indiscriminate cutting of mangroves and inshore exclusive zone.
The Korean and Chinese fishermen are accused of fishing in unprotected riverine areas using the night as a cover.
The documentary further faulted government lacking the appropriate surveillance system to monitor the rogue act. It added that most staff that intend to do surveillance risk their lives due to lack of equipment.
Aminata Sesay, a fish monger in the film said her husband, who is an artisanal fisherman, left her in Sierra Leone for Guinea because of lack of catch in the country. She said he has not returned but extend found another woman whom he has fathered three children with in the neighbouring country.
The over 40 minutes documentary further revealed that some of the other challenges affecting the fishing industry in the country are climate change, disposal of plastic products, illegal sand mining and the use of seaside as a dumpsite.
The Director of the film, Lansana Mansaray said he grew up in fishing community and used the industry to finance his education.
Mansaray said the documentary is geared towards assisting the country battle the challenges the industry faces.
He added that the fishing industry is in decline in Sierra Leone because the country was refused a yellow card 15 years ago barring them from selling fish in the European market.