Leone Rock Metal Group (LRMG), has launched the comprehensive expansion and restoration of the Railway and Pepel Port in Pepel Town, Kamasondo Chiefdom, located in the Port Loko District. This ambitious project officially commenced on Sunday, 5th November, 2023, marking a pivotal moment in the nation’s industrial development.

The Government of Sierra Leone has given its full clearance and support for LRMG’s initiative to reinvigorate the railway and port facilities, a crucial step to meet international standards and further reinforce Sierra Leone’s position in the global mining landscape.

The decision to recommence full-scale operations underscores LRMG’s unwavering commitment to invest in the modernization and reconstruction of essential infrastructure, indicating a progressive approach towards bolstering the country’s economic prospects.

The scope of this undertaking extends beyond mere refurbishment; it emphasizes an upgrade to international benchmarks, aiming to modernize the railway and port facilities, transforming them into state-of-the-art assets that adhere to global standards. These developments are anticipated to facilitate more efficient logistics and significantly contribute to the nation’s economic growth.

LRMG’s investment aligns with the company’s long-term strategy to fortify the mining ecosystem in Sierra Leone. Through this endeavor, LRMG is not only expanding its operational capacity but also demonstrating a dedication to sustainable development and fostering a competitive edge in the mining industry.

The resurrection and revamping of these critical infrastructure components are poised to provide a significant impetus to the country’s mining sector, thereby augmenting its prominence on the world stage. As LRMG leads this ambitious initiative, Sierra Leone stands at the threshold of a new era in its mining and industrial landscape.