Ministry of Basic Education and Senior Secondary School Education has officially approved Methodist Boys’ High School’s request to implement a single shift system.

This new scheduling arrangement, set to commence in September 2024, marks a pivotal shift for the renowned institution, reflecting both its historical significance and its commitment to modernizing its educational delivery.

The decision, conveyed in a formal letter dated July 17, 2024, acknowledges the substantial efforts and investments made by the school’s Board of Governors and Alumni Association. The Ministry’s approval letter praises these stakeholders for their dedication to restoring the school’s prestigious standing and contributing positively to the government’s educational aspirations.

According to the letter, the school’s recent infrastructural upgrades—including the addition of eighteen new classrooms to the existing twenty—along with the ample available land, have played a crucial role in this approval. These enhancements are seen as sufficient to support the transition to a single shift system, which will cater to the current student enrollment.

However, the Ministry has stipulated specific conditions to ensure the successful implementation of the new system. The school administration must ensure that the total student enrollment does not exceed the current figure of 2,700. Any significant increase in enrollment could strain classroom resources and negatively impact the quality of education. Additionally, the school is required to maintain its two administrative structures to manage affairs effectively and efficiently.

The Ministry’s approval letter reassures the school of its continued support while emphasizing the importance of adhering to these conditions. The Ministry will closely monitor the school’s compliance with the outlined guidelines to ensure a smooth transition and maintain educational standards.

This change is anticipated to improve the overall learning environment by optimizing classroom usage and potentially enhancing student-teacher interactions. The shift to a single shift system is seen as a strategic move to better manage resources and accommodate the growing demands of the student population.