Sierra Leone’s Chief Minister, David Moinina Sengeh has engaged the President and CEO of the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture on working together for a positive outcome that will serve a national purpose in the country.
The Minister maintained that there is need to be a positive collaboration, coherence and coordination between both parties to achieve the desired goal.
He emphasized that everyone has to be committed to paying taxes and help the government in rolling out constructive development.
His statement reads; “The President and CEO of the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture took me on my offer to engage.
We all agree that the public and private sector must work together for national development. For this to happen there needs to be coherence, collaboration and coordination.
All the sectors and industry organizations must work together with government to not just bring challenges but solutions as well. We all have our role to pay our fair share of taxes and to help government. We also need to understand that reduced profit isn’t loss.”
Thanks for this and good to see the CM making positive steps.
Would have been better reporting though if the name of the CEO was mentioned.
I like the phrase of CM which ” … reduced profit isn’t loss.” Therefore for me too much profit for a poor country is economic strangulation.