Minister Denis Moinina Sandy, overseeing Sierra Leone’s Works and Public Assets, addressed the press in a pivotal conference held on February 13, 2024, orchestrated by the Ministry of Information and Civic Education.

Emphasizing the nation’s fiscal constraints, he revealed a stark reality: constructing a single kilometer of road commands a staggering $400,000 in expenditure. In the face of such daunting figures, Minister Sandy affirmed the government’s proactive stance, highlighting reliance on Chinese investors to bolster infrastructure development.

With limited fiscal resources, it costs $400,000 to pave a mere kilometer of roadway,” Minister Sandy candidly revealed, underlining the financial hurdles obstructing expansive infrastructure projects. The announcement served as a wake-up call, illustrating the immense financial burden entailed in paving the nation’s arteries for economic growth and connectivity.

Amidst this fiscal reality, Minister Sandy articulated a strategic approach, leaning on foreign investment as a pivotal catalyst for infrastructure expansion. Expressing reliance on Chinese investors, he outlined a collaborative strategy aimed at augmenting the nation’s road network. “As a government, we recognize our financial constraints. Hence, we continue to foster partnerships with Chinese investors to accelerate road construction projects,” Minister Sandy elucidated.

Underscoring the significance of road construction as a cornerstone of national development, Minister Sandy rallied support for ongoing initiatives, portraying them as collective endeavors essential for Sierra Leone’s progress. “This road is our collective responsibility, our project, and our legacy. Let us unite and support its fruition,” he implored, rallying citizens behind the imperative of infrastructure advancement.

The minister’s address resonated as a clarion call for unity and resolve, urging stakeholders to rally behind infrastructure initiatives crucial for national advancement. With eyes firmly fixed on fostering partnerships and leveraging external investments, Minister Sandy affirmed the government’s commitment to surmounting fiscal challenges and propelling Sierra Leone towards a future defined by enhanced connectivity and prosperity.