The Ministry of Lands Housing and Country Planning reported that citizens of this country are in desperate need of parcels of land for various purposes, thus the need for professional administration and management of land in the country.
The Ministry of Lands Housing and Country Planning, reveals that, just two weeks ago when the Ministry announced the availability of some 100 Plots of land at Allen Town, Freetown, Sierra Leoneans from various works of life have been thronging into the Ministry in their numbers to submit land lease applications.
As at Thursday November 4 2021, the Ministry has officially received over Three Thousand (3,000) applications from citizens applying for land for residential purposes at Allen Town alone.
Having observed the influx of applicants pouring down the Ministry’s front desk in desperation for a plot, the Ministry of Lands Housing and Country Planning is now more determined in recovering state lands from the hands of land grabbers, who have been depriving citizens of much needed land, to ensure the general citizenry benefit from the country’s natural resources.
And whilst the Ministry is moving to address the immediate land needs of the citizens, strides are being made to cater for the housing needs of its people through the provision of affordable housing units across the country.