Pastor Francis A.M Mambu, General Overseer of the Faith Healing Bible Church, has denied accepting modifications to the Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Bill.

In a statement released on Monday, Pastor Mambu refuted claims made on the website and Facebook page of the Ministry of Information and Civic Education.

“Contrary to the statement issued by the Ministry, I want to categorically state that I have not accepted any modifications to the bill,” Pastor Mambu said. “My position remains unchanged until we have thoroughly reviewed the proposed amendments.”

He emphasized that his recent meeting with government officials was merely a forum for dialogue. “At the meeting, I simply expressed our appreciation to the President for acknowledging the concerns raised by religious leaders,” Pastor Mambu stated. “We had previously submitted our position paper to the Parliamentary Legislative Committee and requested access to the proposed amendments.”

“We have now received the amendments and are currently studying them carefully,” he continued. “We will release a collective position as a religious body after our review is complete.”

Pastor Mambu urged the public to disregard the Ministry’s statement. “I advise the general public to dismiss as incorrect and untrue the statement posted on the website and Facebook page of the Ministry of Information and Civic Education,” he concluded.

The Safe Motherhood Bill, which legalized abortion in certain circumstances, sparked controversy, facing opposition from religious groups and some civil society organizations when it was introduced in Parliament last December. Critics raised concerns that the bill could undermine the country’s cultural values and the sanctity of life.

Following engagement with the Inter Religious Council and inputs from various sections of the public, the Ministry of Health proposed major amendments to the bill, permitting abortion only in limited circumstances.