The President of the Pentecostal fellowship of Sierra Leone, Bishop Akintayo Sam-Jolly has celebrated his three years in office as President on Friday, 6th October 2023.

Speaking on the rationale behind the Celebration, he revealed that they are appreciating God for what He has enabled them to accomplish and His Keeping Grace.

He recalled three years ago he started the Journey with Pentecostal Fellowship on another level because he has been there 18years ago before he took over. He disclosed that the Grace of God has kept them going and they were able to build on what was handed over to them.

He described his three years in office as Period that requires a lot of maturity in the aspect of Ministry, humanity and challenges from the organizational and Church Perspective. He acknowledged that when the Crown rest on one’s head it comes with the ramifications of responsibility and demands. He added that you see things in a different perspective and also in the spotlight, hot seat where you have to deal with many things and many people.

Pointing out his Success stories during his three-year reign, he revealed that they have been able to conduct general meetings with great attendance every month which is like a revival on its own. He justified that when he took over there was a need to reach out to the entire country which has led them to change the narrative of the Fellowship operations not limited to Freetown. He confirmed that they are now able to cover all 16 Districts in the Country.

He confirmed that they have also been able to acquire as body from the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, and the said Land has been fenced for the first time. He further revealed that they took part in the just concluded elections and served as Observers in other Capacities. Through their impact and familiarization conferences, he revealed they have been able to go round the country except Falaba district.

He affirmed that they have been able to maintain their administrative set up which he described as top-notch as he expressed thanks and appreciation to God for recording these Successes.

However, he pointed out that his 3 years leadership reign has had it fair challenges. He cited instances where they had to deal with attacks on Churches, and some people who misconstrue them but  confirmed that God has been with them through all of it and for everything that has come through their way the Grace of God has helped to surmount them.

He said the leadership position has inspired him to explore new approaches as a Bishop, emphasizing that “I have come to realize that the more progress God Helps you to make, the humble you must become because you soon going to discover that the more you know, you have discover that the more you don’t Know. It’s like what the spiritual man would say that we are more ignorant than we are knowledgeable. At some point when you have gone far in your field of study you have this idea that you are just great man and you know so much. But when the world is open up a bit more you realized that you are ignorant. In terms of Ministry, I have come to realize that the more I know, the more I get to discover, the more I don’t know,”.

According to him, people always think they know the terrain but as you progress you learn to see that God knows what you don’t know so if any you will depend on so much you realize that is the wisdom of God.

Speaking on his motivation to do the work of the Ministry, he revealed that the passion for God and his people keeps him going. He pointed out that they trust God to bring Sierra Leone out as a nation from the challenges we are currently facing because globally there is such poverty, stress, and hardship. He revealed that when speaking to people around the world and they explain to you what is going on there you will aware that Sierra Leone is not in isolation.

However, he believes if a nation turns to God and cries out to Him , If our people become less selfish and think of the well being of the entire nation, God is going to help and make things become better. He cautioned that those who are finding a way to prosper at the expense of others if they can get others to prosper they will realize that together they are going to go further.

He calls for concern for the wellbeing of the next person and see how we can be use by God to create opportunities and the enabling environment  for others to come on board and do well adding that as a fellowship they want to be part of the catalyst that God will use to create a prosperity into the nation and bring righteousness.