The Deputy Planning Minister leads The ECOWAS National Office team, under the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (MoPED), in continuing the sensitization campaign on ECOWAS support and development projects being implemented in Sierra Leone today in Jendema, Pujehun district.
The said event is a collaboration with the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Ministry of Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, aimed at engaging key stakeholders on ECOWAS Projects and development interventions in border districts across Sierra Leone, including Kambia, Pujehun, and Kailahun districts.
This quarterly initiative emphasizes informative and interactive sessions, targeting critical stakeholders in the respective districts. It provides a platform for discussions on various ECOWAS development programs implemented in Sierra Leone, ensuring knowledgeability and inclusivity on ECOWAS operations and protocols, fostering significant deliberations on both successes and challenges.