The murder of Superintendent Adeyemi Coker, a veteran police officer, has sent shockwaves through the community of Hastings. Found strangled in a hedge near his home, Coker’s death has sparked outrage and concern.

Weeks after the discovery of his body, the investigation into Coker’s murder has made little progress. The police have yet to identify any suspects or release further details about the case.

At Coker’s funeral, Bishop of the Anglican Church, Bishop A.I. Wilson called for a swift investigation, questioning the authorities’ apparent lack of urgency. The Bishop’s remarks echoed the frustration felt by many in the community.

Bishop A.I. Wilson who did not mince his words. “If a police officer could meet a death like this, what about us ordinary civilians?” the Bishop asked the grieving crowd. He urged the police to expedite the investigation, especially by tracing the mysterious call that lured Superintendent Coker from his home. “What is so difficult about that?” he questioned, echoing the frustrations of many.

The absence of police colleagues at the funeral further highlighted the growing sense of unease. Despite Coker’s decades of service, few officers attended the burial or the vigil service.

While the Diocesan Men’s Union filled the void left by the absent police, the community remains haunted by the unresolved mystery surrounding Coker’s death. The lack of answers has fueled speculation and increased fears for the safety of ordinary citizens.