The Sierra Leone Police has received three brand new patrol speed boats as a form of boost to increase security on seas.
The boats will be used to patrol Sierra Leone’s vast coastline and riverine region in northwest and southwest of the country.
Sierra Leone’s seas and riverine region is largely unprotected and often attracts illegal fishing vessels neighbouring countries like Guinea and Liberia.
The country’s rich marine resource often attract trawlers registered in neighbouring Guinea and Liberia scavenging for fish. Local fishermen often bear the brunt of such illegal fishing.
The Sierra Leone Navy, several years ago said these illegal trawlers most times fish at night thereby making it difficult for authorities to apprehend them.
This and other security issues continue to plague the country’s security at sea.
Recently, a fishing vessel was reported to have been hijacked but was rescued off-coast in Liberia.
The three patrol boats provided by the Sierra Leonean government will help the police to effect prompt and effective patrols on Sierra Leonean waters and riverine areas.