The Sierra Leone Police has given a situational update on the supposed September 11 protest in the nation’s capital, Freetown and other parts of the country.

Mr. Will from the Office of the National Security (ONS) maintained that, they had different engagements with the Ministry of Transport and Aviation as well as other sectors to maintain the peace. He said they used loud speakers and other means of information sharing and awareness raising for people to understand the need to keep the peace within different communities.

He said security personnel were deployed at various locations to ensure that, the peace is maintained.

“The security sector is above situation to maintaining the peace of this nation and we may always try to do that at every time” he stated.

He said series of arrest were made and some are being released whilst some are still helping the police with investigations.

Police said two deaths were reported from alleged stray bullet. They said an investigation is already underway to ascertain their actual cause of death.

From the security updates, it was revealed that, 4 were arrested at Goderich, 60 in Waterloo and 8 at Mountain by the American Embassy.