Sierra Leone football administrator, Rodney Michael has taken to Twitter to urge the government to establish direct flights between Sierra Leone and the United Kingdom and United States.

Tagging President Julius Maada Bio in his tweet, Michael asserted that the government should “do everything in its power” to make this aspiration a reality. He highlighted the significant number of Sierra Leoneans travelling to both countries, arguing that a direct flight would be “immensely beneficial.”

“The current situation causes unnecessary stress and hardship for our people,” Michael emphasized. “Imagine the comfort and convenience a direct flight would bring.”

Michael’s call echoes broader sentiments within the Sierra Leonean community, long burdened by the lack of direct air links to these major destinations. Travellers currently face complex and often lengthy itineraries, with layovers and connecting flights adding substantial cost and frustration to their journeys.

Proponents of direct flights argue that their establishment would not only ease travel for individuals but also stimulate economic growth. Increased connectivity could boost tourism, trade, and investment, potentially creating new jobs and opportunities within Sierra Leone.