The Housemates Salone season 3 show is unique and exceptional to the shows before it. The show with the yagba game has, within its first three days of launch created outstanding performance. Few days ago, it was aleged that, Julie and Mamie Thomas had an affair in the house.
It is not a surprise again as Patricia Rose Tucker today confessed her feelings for Almond Sall, her week’s couple while lying on the man’s top on a secluded bed with just the two couples.
This she expressed while both contestant were having fun on a bed at night. According to Rose Tucker, she claimed that, she doesn’t like playing with people feelings and that if Almon has any interest on other contestant in the house, he has to let her know.
On hitting the nail on its head, she declared that she loves the body temperature of Almond. “You body is warm and I like it…” She confessed while lying on top of Almond.
Women have a lot of ways to indirectly say “I Love You”, could this be another way Patricia Rose Tucker is expressing her feelings to Almond like the many we know already? This question can only be answered by them in the days to come. This is because, you cannot lock door on smoke.