The Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) has revealed details of a failed coup attempt involving a group of soldiers who visited a herbalist in an attempt to overthrow President Julius Maada Bio.

According to the prosecution in the recently concluded Court Martial trial, several military personnel, who have now been convicted, along with others who remain at large, visited a herbalist named Pa Sesay in Mapaki Village, Bombali District.

NovembThe soldiers underwent a ceremony to fortify their bodies with charms against gunshots in preparation for the planned coup on November 26.

One of the pieces of evidence presented by the prosecution was a photograph that captured some of the convicted soldiers in a confident mood shortly after completing one of the phases of the ceremony. This evidence, along with other details, will be explored further in upcoming episodes.

In future episodes, the RSLAF’s Media Operations Cell will release information about the evidence presented by both the prosecution and defense during the trial, leading to the conviction of 25 military personnel. This transparency aims to provide the public with a clear understanding of the circumstances surrounding the failed coup attempt.

Court Martial: Where Was The “Battle Preparation” Done to Overthrow President Bio?

That is one of the legal questions, which is was answered by the Prosecution in the just concluded Court Martial trial involving the State versus Staff Sergeant Alhaji Koroma and 26 Others.

Tendering a number of EXHIBITS to answer the said question, the Prosecution said that some military personnel (who have now been CONVICTED) with few others (who are on the RUN) had visited a herbalist called Pa Sesay (who is also on the RUN) in Mapaki Village in Paki Masabom Chiefdom, Bombali District and had undergone a CEREMONY to FORTIFY their bodies with CHARMS against GUNSHOTS ahead of the execution of the November 26 Coup.

One of the pictorial evidence tendered by the Prosecution to provide an answer to the said question is the PHOTO accompanying this EPISODE.

The photo clearly shows some of the now convicted military personnel in CONFIDENCE MOOD shortly after the completion of one of the phases of the ceremony.

This EPISODE plus the photo is meant to WHET your appetite. In our next EPISODE, we will publish what each and every convict, who visited the herbalist, said during trial in reaction to the CEREMONY.

We will also publish many other photos showing the various SCENES of the ceremony.

NOTE: The public need know what EVIDENCE or COUNTER EVIDENCE were tendered by the Prosecution or Defence respectively leading to the CONVICTION of a total of 25 military personnel in the just concluded Court Martial trial. As Public Relations outfit of RSLAF, the Media Operations Cell will continue giving out such public information about Court Martial trial of those military personnel involved in the bloody November 26 Coup.