The Minister of Basic And Senior Secondary Education, Conrad Sackey has joined stakeholders on refresher training on sexual and gender-based violence.

The capacity-building and refresher training on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence for the Senior Leadership teams from MBSSE, Free Education Projects (FEPs), and Teaching Service Commission (TSC).

Minister Sackey revealed that he joined the two Deputy Ministers and the senior leadership teams from the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE), Free Education Project (FEPS), and the Teaching Service Commission in refresher training on sexual and gender -based violence held at Priscilla Hall, Regent.

The session aimed to enhance the collective efforts in implementing the FREE Education Project by addressing challenges and improving project outcomes and was structured on identifying and addressing coordination challenges among FEPS, TSC and MBSSE; equipping participants with essential knowledge on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), and Sexual Harassment (SH) in order to enhance collaboration and understanding the services offered by external specialist providers such as Rainbo Foundation.

He maintained that the training session is aligned with two strategic objectives in the Ministry’s Education Sector Plan, namely a) reducing gender and other disparities in educational access, experience, and outcomes for the most marginalised and b) providing a safe, healthy, and conducive learning environment for all.