Lawyer Ady Macauley, one of the Defense Counsels representing Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara in the ongoing alleged corruption matter in Freetown, yesterday concluded cross examination of the first Prosecution Witness (PW1) Joseph Bockarie Noah.
Responding to questions under oath, with respect to the rehabilitation and renovation of the Chancery building project in New York, Mr. Joseph Bockarie Noah who is also the Chief Investigator at the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) said during the cause of the investigation of the present matter before the court, several issues, not only on procurement were put to the now fourth accused person Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara.
According to PW1, he has some knowledge in procurement, and in the cause of the investigation Noah said there was no evidence that the forth accused person Dr. Samaura Mathew Wilson Kamara is part of any procument, nor the technical evaluation Committee for the award of the contract.
“Despite not being part, but however played a role leading to the award of the construction contract of the Chancery Building in New York”, PW1 Joseph Bockarie Noah stated.
The witness was confronted with questions from exhibit F1 document, particularly with question 28 and 29 respectively in the interview statement document of the forth accused person.
As by the exhibit document, the State Prosecution witness confirmed that the procurement process was done by one Alusine Sesay, now deceased and former Head of Chancery by then.
Lawyer Ady Macauley presented an email bidding document of due process with the Chancery building project dated 21st September 2015; but that email document was described by the witness as purported.
Mr. Joseph Bockarie Noah in his response said the ACC mainly investigated the qualification of contractor and the way and manner the contract was awarded with the renovation of the afore said building project.
He went further that he as an individual did not do any background check but his colleaque, that went to the Sierra Leone Mission building project site at New York did.
“There is no bid document to my knowledge”, Joseph Bockarie Noah maintained.
On the 22nd April 2016 a cabinet paper was presented on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in concurrent with the Ministry of Finance and Works Ministry by the then Acting Minister Dr. Mohamed Gibril Sesay and with an attached request dated 18th April 2022.
Lawyer Emmanuel Teddy Koroma cross examined the witness Joseph Bockarie Noah on behalf of the fifth accused person Fomba Bayor who was the Financial Attache at that time of his posting in August 2018, till late September 2018.
The Sierra Leone Mission Chancery renovation project contract was signed on 9th Novermber,2016 and at the time the fifth accused person took up office, he (accused) met the project ongoing, but was briefed of the contract by the Head of Chancery Alusine Sesay.
The trial Judge, Justice Adrian Fischer has adjourned the matter to the 6th April 2022 for the presentation of nine documents requested by d Defense Counsel Lawyer Emmanuel Teddy Koroma.