To strengthen the Sierra Leone Correctional Service (SLCS), Chief Superintendent of Corrections J.J. Senessie, acting Director of Human Resources, successfully concluded a thorough staff verification process. The primary objective was to establish an accurate count of active officers while identifying those lacking commitment to their duties.

The verification initiative, spanning all Correctional Centres nationwide, commenced in Freetown and culminated at the Mafanta Correctional Centre in Tonkolili District. During a parade at the conclusion, Senessie emphasized the importance of dedication to duty, cautioning officers against engaging in political or tribal discussions. He stressed that such conversations could adversely impact their commitment and, consequently, institutional productivity.

Looking ahead, the SLCS is gearing up to recruit a substantial number of officers, with plans to add at least 1,000 personnel in mid-2024. Senessie made it clear that officers not displaying commitment to their roles would face dismissal to make way for the incoming recruits.

Moreover, Senessie announced imminent disciplinary measures for officers involved in improper conduct, absenteeism, or malingering. This move underscores the commitment of the SLCS to maintain a disciplined and dedicated workforce, ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of correctional services across the country. As the institution prepares for expansion, these measures aim to foster a culture of responsibility and excellence among its staff.