In a recent social media post, Chief Minister David Moinina Sengeh has brought attention to the alarming increase in threats targeting his secretary and staff, including death threats, rape threats, and abusive language.

The minister expressed his dismay, emphasizing that such behavior is never acceptable in any society.

The post on Facebook sparked widespread concern among Sierra Leoneans, who swiftly took to social media to condemn the despicable acts and demand action. Many questioned the effectiveness of the Cyber Unit, expressing frustration at the lack of swift action despite significant investments in cybersecurity laws.

One commenter highlighted the gravity of the situation, urging the authorities to take immediate action to ensure the safety of the minister’s staff and hold the perpetrators accountable. Another emphasized the importance of peaceful disagreement, stating that threats and violence should never be tolerated as a means of justifying one’s actions.

Concerns were also raised about the perceived leniency in enforcing the law, with reference to previous incidents where perpetrators escaped justice despite committing serious crimes in broad daylight. This sentiment underscored the urgency for the government to demonstrate a firm commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting its citizens from harm.

As of now, Chief Minister Sengeh has not disclosed the identities of the individuals behind the threats or the specific reasons for their targeting of his staff. However, the matter has reignited discussions about the need for stronger measures to combat cyber threats and ensure the safety and security of all citizens.