Renowned Sierra Leonean medical professional and public servant, Alhaji Dr. Sheik-Umarr Mikailu Jah has passed away in Germany on Wednesday, August 2, 2024.
Sierraloaded reports that Dr. Jah was a highly respected figure in Sierra Leone, making significant contributions to both healthcare and public service. He served as a Senior Surgeon Specialist at Bo Government Hospital and held the esteemed position of Former Chairman of Kakua Rangers, Bo.
His dedication to his country was evident in his roles as a founding member of the People’s Democratic Party (PDDA), President of the Sierra Leone Medical and Dental Association, and President of the Old Bo Boys Association (OBBA) from 2001 to 2002.
A trailblazer in his field, Dr. Jah played a pivotal role in the nation’s reconstruction and development. He served as the Commissioner of the National Commission for Reconstruction, Resettlement and Rehabilitation (NCRRR), which is now known as the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA). His leadership extended further to the cabinet, where he held the positions of Minister of Health and Minister of Works, as well as Resident Minister South.
Dr. Jah’s legacy will be remembered for his exceptional medical expertise, his unwavering commitment to public service, and his contributions to the betterment of Sierra Leone. His loss is deeply felt by the nation.
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