At a recent weekly press briefing, Chief Minister David Sengeh made allegations that religious houses, including mosques, were involved in electricity theft.

This statement has sparked a vehement response from Sheikh Farouk Adam Bah, a prominent Islamic leader, who has denounced the claim as both unfounded and sacrilegious.

In his rebuttal, Sheikh Farouk emphasized the sanctity of religious institutions and the gravity of making such accusations. “Power is too insignificant to be misused in this manner. Suggesting that mosques are in the habit of stealing electricity is not only wrong but indicates a poor relationship with Allah,” stated Sheikh Farouk. He expressed deep concern that such statements could provoke divine displeasure.

“These are the kinds of statements that make Allah unhappy with His people,” he continued. “The mosque is a sacred place, where people gather to praise Allah and seek His blessings. To accuse them of theft is unthinkable and disrespectful.”

Sheikh Farouk warned against attacking religious institutions, highlighting the potential spiritual repercussions. “We cannot afford to attack Allah, and His grief is immense. One should not be deceived by their current status to speak ill of places dedicated to worship. Such actions can lead to shame and disgrace,” he cautioned.

He concluded by suggesting that the Chief Minister’s allegations might be an attempt to divert attention from the government’s failures. “Because the minister has failed the people of this country, they are now casting blame on religious houses. This is a deeply sacrilegious act.”

The controversy has stirred significant debate, with many calling for a more respectful discourse regarding religious institutions and their role in the community