Sierra Leone moved slightly up in the 2021 Global Peace Index Report, as the country was placed in forth position, but the current politician tension, violence among young people, Police brutality and Regional tension see the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) government of President Bio facing serious challenges in upholding the Peace inherited from the past Peace inherited from the past APC regime of Former President Ernest Bai Koroma.
During the Koroma regime, the 2017 Global Peace Index Report placed the country as the second most peaceful nation in Africa and 35 globally. This rating then surprised the international community, especially as the country went through 11 years blood civil war, the first of its kind in the sub-region, and was worst hit by the deadly Ebola virus approaching Election year, who then described this status as a remarkable achievement, which is only the result of great leadership skills demonstrated by its leader.
During that same year, the country was placed rated by the United Nations World Tourism Organization as the fastest growing travel destination in the world.
The 2017 GPI report assessed the trend in the peacekeeping and militarization, including a cost/benefits analysis that highlighted the positive economic benefits from early peace building interventions.
Former President Koroma is being described as a patriotic and this has led to his success and the honor that he is enjoying today, even though he is no longer in power.
Koroma has headed three (3) African Union special Missions as the leader of observer delegations in the electoral process of three countries. His performance had earned him more respect internationally and nationally.
To follow the footsteps of his predecessor, most Civil Society Activists are now calling on President Bio to increase the political interaction and create the platform for more tolerance.
Since the enactment of the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion Bill, which was unanimously supported by all Political Parties in the house of Parliament, the public is yet to see its implementation.
The Bintumani 3 Conference was also described as a fail move by the New Direction Government of President Bio to maintain the peace and stability he inherited. Political commentators say that the nation was expecting more from President Bio and the former Chief Minister, Professor David John Francis, who are both peace experts.