In a covert operation executed by the Sierra Leone Police on Saturday, 23rd September 2023 at Mamba Ridge, Moyiba Comunnity in the East of Freetown, Abdul Kamara, the owner of one of the biggest drug cartels in the city was arrested with a large catch of Kush and other dangerous drugs.
According to a senior police source, Abdul Kamara aka Biggie Ten had been under their raider for a long time but they were waiting for the right time to engage which they have now carried out successfully and he is presently in Police custody at Hastings.
He is the owner of Biggie Ten Club & Pool at Moyiba, where a lot of youth buy Kush and other dangerous drugs.
According to IGP Fayia Sellu, “We are working tirelessly to curb the use of dangerous drugs which is killing and destroying our youths in the country, and whosoever is caught they will face the full force of the law”.
Investigations continue.
Is he the one you (the police) want to scapegoatize?