A Sierra Leonean actor, Brian Conteh, has been featured in a new Hollywood movie series titled, “We Own This City” in which he plays the role of a drug dealer who is jailed after being arrested.
In the movie, crime-fighting Police Officer, Sgt. Jon Bernthal plays Wayne Johnson in an actual story that inspired the series. The series exposes corruption in the Baltimore Police Department. It follows the lives of corrupt officers who worked on the city’s Gun Trace Task Force (GTTF). The officers were later discovered to have violated citizens’ rights, stolen money from drug raids, and even resold drugs on the streets.
In one episode, cops followed Brain Conteh to a strip club. He was shown from a distance with strippers with Jon Bernthal. Brian was later arrested and taken to jail.
Brain Conteh has worked on other Hollywood projects as well. In the popular TV series “Walking Dead,” he played the role of a college professor alongside Hollywood heavyweight Julia Ormond.
Brian has also completed a project with American actor Adam Sandler.
Brian Conteh was born on MacDonald Street in Freetown. He attended the Sierra Leone Muslim Brotherhood Secondary School and Ahmadiyya Muslim Secondary School.
Before moving to the United States, he was a dancer. He met David Vandy in the United States, a popular radio presenter and respected elder in the Sierra Leone community who introduced him to stage plays and mentored him.
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