Over fifty Sierra Leonean students currently studying in the Russian Federation are experiencing severe difficulties due to the prolonged delay in receiving their stipends.

The President of Sierra Leonean Students in Russia, Abdul Karim, has joined his peers in urging the Sierra Leonean government to release the overdue funds, which have not been provided for over a year.

Karim highlighted the dire situation faced by the students, including health issues, accommodation problems, and inadequate resources for daily necessities. “Sierra Leonean students are heavily suffering in Russia due to lack of resources,” Karim stated. He added that some students are at risk of eviction from their homes and are unable to afford necessary medical procedures.

Third-year medical student Sorie Aruna Kamara also voiced frustration over the stipend delays. Kamara explained that without the stipends, students are struggling to cover essential expenses such as medical care, feeding, and accommodation. He noted that some students have been forced to change their courses due to financial constraints, emphasizing that the high cost of living in Russia exacerbates their challenges.

“Our main goal is to study and return home to contribute to Sierra Leone’s development,” Kamara said. “We appeal to the government to expedite the release of our stipends so we can continue our studies and fulfill our academic and professional goals.”