At the United Nations Summit of the Future, Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio and Ireland’s Prime Minister Simon Harris co-chaired an interactive dialogue focused on “Enhancing Multilateralism for International Peace and Security.”

The session aimed to tackle pressing global challenges and emphasize the need for a more inclusive multilateral framework.

In his address, President Bio underscored the urgency of collective action in the face of unprecedented threats, including violent conflict, terrorism, climate change, and health crises. “These threats know no borders and cannot be tackled by any Member State alone,” he stated, advocating for a revitalization of international cooperation.

Drawing from Sierra Leone’s experience, President Bio highlighted the significant role of global partnerships in restoring peace post-conflict. He acknowledged the contributions of organizations such as the United Nations, African Union, and ECOWAS in promoting national reconciliation.

The president also raised concerns about escalating geopolitical tensions and the rise of nationalism, which he identified as substantial threats to global stability. He called for reforms within multilateral institutions, specifically advocating for the restructuring of the United Nations Security Council to ensure better representation for Africa, a continent home to over a billion people facing ongoing conflict.

Concluding his remarks, President Bio urged global leaders to adopt a multilateral approach in addressing today’s challenges and preparing for future crises. “Together, we can forge a stronger multilateral system,” he affirmed, echoing the sentiments of many nations in the Global South seeking more equitable governance on the global stage.