The Sierra Leone People’s Party Leader in Parliament, Honourable Mathew Nyuma calls for Members of Parliament to hold government officials accountable for the management of resources and activities in his remarks during a Ministry of Information press briefing held in the Parliament’s Conference Room in Freetown,

He underscored the importance of democracy, noting that accommodating the opposition is a key aspect of governance.

Honorable Nyuma pointed to President Bio’s removal of the seditious libel law and the increase in women’s representation to 30% as efforts to align with his manifesto.

In his remarks at the conference, Abdul Kargbo the Minority Leader of the All People’s Congress (APC) in the Sierra Leone Parliament, emphasized that true and lasting peace cannot be achieved without first ensuring harmony among political stakeholders and the public.

During the briefing, Honorable Kargbo outlined the necessity of external media in Sierra Leone’s political challenges. He proposed that the country should seek the intervention of ECOWAS, the Commonwealth, and the African Union (AU) to address its political issues. “Some challenges are beyond our ability to manage alone, and it is crucial that we seek external support to help navigate these difficulties,” Kargbo stated.

The Minority Leader also praised the Sierra Leonean government for receiving the MCC Compact grant, highlighting that a democratic government must be open to withstand criticism.

“A government that does not accept criticism is not truly democratic,” Kargbo asserted.

He emphasized that constructive criticism is essential, stating, “If the government performs well, we should commend them; if not, we must offer constructive feedback.

Honorable Kargbo also acknowledged the role of the opposition but affirmed that the APC party is committed to supporting sustainable development in Sierra Leone. He stressed the importance of curiosity and competitiveness in today’s world. Honourable Kargbo further explained that President Bio’s visit to Parliament was to mark the beginning of the new parliamentary session, as stipulated by Section 48 of the 1991 Constitution.

This session, which began in July 2023 and will run through July 2024, was inaugurated by the President to remind citizens of his campaign promises from the 2018 election and to provide a yearly update on their progress. The President’s speech also covered topics such as peace and national cohesion, IMF budgetary support, and issues related to the United Nations Security Council.