The Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA) is actively addressing road safety concerns by undertaking maintenance work at the Up Gun and Bai Bureh Road intersection.

The project involves replacing damaged slabs on the cross drain, which is crucial for ensuring the safety and comfort of commuters in the area.

This initiative comes in response to numerous reports and concerns from road users about the deteriorating condition of the slabs, which pose significant risks, particularly during heavy traffic periods and adverse weather conditions. The SLRA’s proactive approach underscores its commitment to maintaining and improving the country’s road infrastructure.

To minimize inconvenience and ensure a smooth workflow, commuters are advised to use alternative routes over the next few days. While this may cause some short-term disruptions, the long-term benefits of a safer and more reliable road system are substantial.

According to the SLRA, the maintenance works are expected to be completed by Monday, July 1, 2024. Once finished, the road will be reopened to traffic, restoring normalcy to one of the city’s critical intersections.

The SLRA has expressed gratitude to the public for their patience and cooperation during this period. They assure road users that these efforts are part of a broader strategy to enhance road safety and infrastructure across Sierra Leone. The completion of this project will mark a significant step forward in the SLRA’s ongoing mission to provide safer and more efficient roads for all.