Speaker of Sierra Leone House of Parliament, Hon. Chernor Abass Bundu, remains optimistic about the imminent arrival of the elected members of parliament from the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC).

In recent remarks, Bundu lauded both the Sierra Leone government and the APC opposition for their constructive three-day peace dialogue held at the Bintumani hotel in Freetown. He emphasized that the agreements reached during this dialogue are pivotal in enhancing the nation’s democratic progression.

Speaker Bundu reassured that the opposition MPs will receive a warm welcome in the parliament. He also highlighted the importance of the official swearing-in ceremony as a crucial step to officially recognize them as legal members of the House.

Drawing attention to Sierra Leone’s 1991 constitution, Bundu underscored its emphasis on multi-party democracy, denouncing any single-party dominance. “This foundational commitment to a multi-party system is the reason I’ve been urging opposition members to take their rightful place in parliament. It’s essential they represent their electorates, fulfill their mandates, and execute their constitutional duties,” Bundu stated.