A nationwide stakeholder’s consultation aimed at validating the reviewed draft of the Country Planning Act focused on efficient land use and urban development as key factors for national progress.

The event took place on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at the Port Loko District Council Hall and brought together high-level government officials and local leaders.

Among those in attendance were Dr. Turad Senesie, Minister of Lands, Housing, and Country Planning; Mr. Tamba Lamina, Minister of Local Government and Community Affairs; Umaru Bond Wurie, Resident Minister North; Deputy Mayor of Port Loko City; Hon. Quinton Sallia, Chairman of the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Land; the District Council Chairman, and the Senior District Officer (SDO), who chaired the consultation.

In his address, Dr. Senesie underscored the importance of efficient land management to alleviate poverty and drive national development. He reaffirmed that all land in Sierra Leone belongs to the state, with paramount chiefs and land-owning families serving as custodians of provincial land. The Minister further pledged to modernize land governance, including devolving development control to local councils, enabling them to take on a more significant role in urban planning.

“We need to implement comprehensive urban redevelopment initiatives, introduce development control mechanisms, and re-model our cities and towns,” Dr. Senesie said. He outlined a vision of urban spaces equipped with water fountains, green areas, recreational parks, and planned communities to create a better living environment.

He also emphasized the need for zoning to allocate land for essential facilities such as hospitals, markets, places of worship, and cemeteries. Dr. Senesie proposed funding these projects through property taxes, including levies on unoccupied land, building permits, and fines for non-compliance. He further expressed willingness to delegate some ministerial authority to local councils to ensure more effective city planning and sustainable growth.

The consultation concluded with a call for stakeholders to collaborate on implementing modern land laws and improving urban infrastructure. Effective land management and urban planning, the Minister emphasized, are vital for addressing poverty, fostering economic growth, and creating vibrant communities across Sierra Leone.