The Supreme Court of Sierra Leone has pronounced judgement for the Member of Parliament for Constituency 062, Honourable Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella on his dual citizenship case.
In the Judgement pronounced today Friday 3rd September, 2021, the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone dismissed the case and confirmed that Kandeh Yumkella was eligible to contest in the Sierra Leone parliamentary and presidential elections 2018.
Recall that in the 2018 general elections, the All People’s Congress Government announced that individuals with dual citizenship are not qualified to contest political positions to the annoyance of many.
David Fornah, an activist of the All People’s Congress (APC) party then challenged the eligibility of Dr. Kandeh Yumkella to view as both parliamentary candidate in Constituency 062 in Kambia District and presidential aspirant of NGC. He filed a petition in the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone on February 5th 20218 against Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella.
According to Fornah, Yumkella failed to follow the requirement contained in Act 13 of 1976 to resume his citizenship by writing officially to the Minister of Internal Affairs.