The Sierra Leone Police Force has arrested three individuals alleged to be administrators of the popular Facebook platform, Salone Gossip.
The detainees, identified as Christiana, her sister, and their family friend Amani, were taken into custody amid claims of their involvement with the platform.
According to an anonymous statement from the actual admin of Salone Gossip, the accusations are baseless and unjust. The admin emphasized that Christiana is a struggling single mother, her sister is battling a complicated health issue, and Amani, a family friend, only went to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) to help secure Christiana’s release after learning she might be granted bail.
“None of these people accused have ever been part of this platform, nor do any of us here know them personally,” the admin declared. “We run an anonymous platform but remain committed to helping individuals who desperately seek help from us. To do so, we have countless followers who selflessly and passionately help with no conditions attached.”
The admin’s statement further criticized the police for targeting innocent individuals while more serious crimes in the country go unaddressed. “We are respectfully calling on the Sierra Leone Police Force to please release these three innocent and harmless individuals and turn their focus to the many grave crimes being committed that need immediate attention from the police,” the admin urged.
Salone Gossip, known for its candid discussions and inside scoops on various issues affecting Sierra Leone, has a substantial following. The platform has often been a source of controversy due to its unfiltered content and the anonymity of its operators.
The arrests have sparked widespread debate on social media, with many supporters of Salone Gossip rallying behind the call for the release of Christiana, her sister, and Amani. Critics argue that the police should prioritize more pressing criminal matters instead of pursuing those linked to social media activities.
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