Sylvia Olayinka Blyden has hailed President Julius Maada Bio for keeping to his promise made to the Alex Focus Charity Organization, a disability charity in Freetown.

Blyden said that the President had made a commitment during his visit to Europe in the previous year when he interacted with the Sierra Leonean community.

It was during this visit that a charity organization based in France requested state land to establish a facility for free skills training and accommodations for individuals with disabilities. The President assured them that their request would be granted.

She revealed that she had been closely monitoring the progress of this commitment, paying careful attention to the paperwork until its completion. She proudly announced that the President had indeed fulfilled his promise, as the organization had successfully obtained the land they needed.

Her statement reads, “H.E. President Julius Maada Bio has kept to his promise made to a Disability Charity known as ALEX FOCUS CHARITY ORGANIZATION. During a visit by H.E. Bio to Europe last year, he had engaged the Sierra Leone community in a Town Hall meeting.

“During the event, the charity, based in France, had requested for State Land on which to build a free Skills Training Center & Living Quarters for Persons With Disability. A clearly impressed President Bio had faithfully promised that when all due diligence was followed, the Land will be allocated.

“Well, as one of Sierra Leone’s foremost Disability Rights champion myself (with over 25 years of strong activism on behalf of Persons With Disability), I paid keen interest on the issue as the paperwork moved. 

“I am now very pleased to confirm that the Honourable Minister of Lands Dr. Turad Senessie has just informed me that having fulfilled all the requirements, the ALEX FOCUS CHARITY has today been granted a leasehold of over Four(4) Acres of Prime Land for the Charitable Venture of building Skills Training Center & Living Quarters for Persons With Disability.

“His Excellency President Maada Bio is nicknamed as ‘TOK n DO’ so when His Excellency said he will give State Land to the Charity, he then directed me to make sure I do it and I have done it. When President Bio talks, he does it,” the Minister of Lands Hon. Dr. Turad Senessie had just told me over a WhatsApp chat.

“For Mr. Foday Fofanah, the France-based Founder of the ALEX FOCUS CHARITY, he actually burst into tears of Joy over the phone when I broke the news to him as he exuberantly praised H.E. President Bio for keeping to his promise.

“This President is a true Keeper of his Promises,” Fofanah exclaimed.

“A few of the famous members of community of Persons With Disability in Freetown have also told Awareness Times Newspaper just now in Freetown that they are deeply grateful to the President for this gesture. 

“The Prime Land is located at the SIX MILE settlement along the Waterloo Highway”.

See land  plan below: