Sierra Leone’s President, Julius Maada Bio met with Mmainko Kamara, the young talented Speaker who made a video against the rampant of examination malpractice across the country.
Her video which went viral, attracted the President’s attention as she spoke of the dangers of exam malpractice to the development of the nation.
She stated how the Sierra Leone Board of Examinations Council, the parents and teachers have been the worst culprits of examination malpractice in the country, adding that the teachers/invigilators who are supposed to stop and prevent malpractice in examinations are the sole champions of the practice.
She spoke of how the people always blame the government while the parents are ready to bribe the teachers and give expensive phones to their children during exams.
She expressed disappointment at the behaviors of such parents and called on the Government to take strict actions against anyone found wanting to examinations malpractice.
The speech of this young girl captured my heart. She highlighted everything and thos she mentioned were responsible for exam malpractice in Sierra Leone. Parents, invigilators, and principals who should serve a pivotal role in stopping exam malpractice, were the ones conniving in boosting exam malpractice. The government should take drastic action against those who are found wanting.