The Sierra Leone Teachers Union (SLTU), in collaboration with its Sub-Associations—CPSS, NaCOHT, CHTVI, and NSA—has issued a press release updating its members on recent progress regarding the suspended strike notice given to the government on November 25, 2024.
In the release, the SLTU highlighted several key developments:
School Fees Subsidies: The government has disbursed school fees subsidies to most schools for the third term of the 2023/2024 academic year. The SLTU is gathering data on schools that have not received the subsidies to present to the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE).
Current Academic Year Payments: Payment for the first term of the 2024/2025 academic year has begun. School heads are encouraged to monitor and report the progress of these payments.
Second Term Fees: The SLTU has urged the government to commence the payment of second-term fees subsidies for the current academic year as previously agreed.
Prompt Payments: The government has assured the SLTU of future prompt payments of school fees subsidies at the beginning of each school term.
Technical Committees: The government has agreed to establish Technical Committees to address issues such as anomalies in school fees payments, the review of subsidy amounts, and the timely replacement of teachers who have left the profession. These committees will include representatives from the SLTU, MBSSE, MOF, and the Teaching Service Commission (TSC).
Technical and Vocational Instructors: The government has committed to recruiting sufficient Technical and Vocational Instructors through the MBSSE, the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, and the TSC.
Increased Subventions: There has been an increase in the subvention amounts and the number of Technical and Vocational Institutions receiving these funds.
Salary Increase: The SLTU is actively following up on the promised 15% salary increase for teachers, effective January 2025.
Given these positive developments and the government’s commitment to addressing the listed issues, the SLTU has decided to continue suspending the strike action. The Union will closely monitor the implementation of these agreements and continue to advocate for the welfare of its members.
The SLTU has called on all teachers to persist in delivering their dedicated service to the nation, emphasizing the importance of their role in the education sector.