The Trade Minister Ibrahim Alpha Sesay has assured the public that two cement factories will commence production by next year, significantly impacting prices. As a result of increased local production, both cement and plywood prices are expected to decrease.

In his statement during the weekly press briefing at the ministry of information and civic education, he gave a key highlight on the activities of the ministry in making sure that the price of goods are stable in the market.

He said, the trade sector has been struggling to have the citizens certisfied as they do not have control over all the challenges, adding that, they have worked closely with the ministry of finance to have the sector running and a stability in the price for which they are having a positive feedback.

Speaking on what they have been doing recently he said they have been revisting different policies to have things woeking well.

“since we took over, we have continued to review the existing laws and policies that will make trade and investment come into the country, and those doing business to have things working well for them” he stated, adding that, they have the primary responsibility to provide a conducive environment for the importers, traders and the consumers in the country.

He further assured the public that, by next year, two cement factories will start production which will have a great impact on the prices. Cement and plywood prices will go down as a result of massive local production by next year.

The Ministry of Trade in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and National Revenue Authority is working to create a one-stop shop for all payments to clear goods from the port by business people.