Head of the defence team representing the twelve accused, , Africanus S. Sesay Esq has informed Justice Komba Kamanda of their intention to present a no-case submission.

The Legal Luminary emphasized the need for time to prepare their submission, given the extensive documentary and electronic evidence involved.

Justice Kamanda, however, rejected the defence’s request for a one-month preparation period, deeming it too lengthy. He highlighted the urgency of the matter, given that the accused individuals remain in custody. Instead, the judge allotted one week for each side to prepare their no-case submission, aiming to expedite the trial process.

“I will not grant a long adjournment because the twelve accused persons are still in custody,” Justice Kamanda asserted. “Both counsels will have a week each to undertake their no-case submission as I intend to conclude this matter expeditiously within this year.”

The court has adjourned the matter to Thursday, June 6, 2024, for the defence team to present their no-case submission.

The decision of the defense team came against the back drop of the , state prosecutors officially closing their case in the ongoing trial against twelve individuals, including Amadu Koita Makalo, Bai Mamoud Bangura (former Youth Minister), and Alimatu Hassan Conteh.