The United States Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield has announced that the U.S. government through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will provide US$1.5 million to support electoral reforms in Sierra Leone.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield made this disclosure in Freetown today Wednesday 24th January 2024 at the U.S Ambassador’s residence.

According to the Ambassador, the support will be focused on three key priority areas which are technical assistance, funding for an international and a Sierra Leonean legal analyst, and helping to engage citizens through civil society.

The announcement was made in the presence of Dr. Samura Kamara, leader of the main opposition APC and the 2023 election Presidential candidate, the Deputy Minister of Justice, Alpha Sesay, and the Co-Chairs of the Tripartite Committee for Electoral Reforms, Dr. Emmanuel Gaima, Dr. Kaifala Marah, and the UN Resident Representative, Seraphine Wakana.