Adama Konteh, a prominent member of the UN Sierra Leone Youth Advisory Group, has spearheaded a fervent call to action aimed at eradicating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) worldwide.

Stressing the imperative of fostering environments where girls and women can thrive without fear of violence, Konteh emphasized the urgent need to abolish this harmful practice.

In a recent address, Konteh articulated, “We need to end FGM so girls and women can live in dignity, free from violence, and realize their potential.” His words echo the sentiments of countless advocates striving to safeguard the rights and well-being of women and girls globally.

The UNFPA Sierra Leone provided alarming statistics, indicating that a staggering 4.4 million girls are currently at risk of undergoing FGM in various parts of the world in 2024. This grim reality underscores the critical importance of concerted efforts to combat this deeply entrenched form of gender-based violence.

FGM, a practice that involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia, poses severe physical, emotional, and psychological consequences for its victims. Beyond immediate health risks, such as infections and complications during childbirth, survivors often grapple with long-term trauma and diminished quality of life.

Konteh’s advocacy aligns with broader international initiatives aimed at safeguarding the rights and dignity of women and girls. By amplifying voices like Konteh’s and mobilizing global support, the hope is to effectuate meaningful change and create societies where every individual can flourish without the specter of gender-based violence looming over their lives.

The fight against FGM necessitates comprehensive strategies encompassing education, legislative reform, community engagement, and access to healthcare services. Through sustained collaboration and unwavering commitment, stakeholders can forge a path towards a future where all girls and women are empowered to lead lives of dignity, free from the shackles of harmful traditions.