The United States government has expressed satisfaction with the resumption of the Tripartite Committee’s work in Sierra Leone. This committee was established to address allegations of election manipulation following the 2023 elections.

After the elections, the opposition All People’s Congress (APC), along with international observers and groups like the National Election’s Watch (NEW), claimed that the results were rigged and called for a second round of voting. However, the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) dismissed these allegations, asserting the elections were free and fair. To resolve these disputes, the Tripartite Committee was formed to investigate the claims.

The committee, tasked with reviewing election results, certification processes, observer reports, and the Public Elections Act of 2022, emerged from a communiqué signed by the SLPP and APC in October last year, following mediation by the international community, including the Commonwealth, African Union, and ECOWAS. The committee was given a six-month mandate to complete its investigation.

The American government contributed $1.5 million to support the committee’s operations. Despite this, there have been concerns about the effective use of these funds due to the committee’s perceived lack of progress and transparency.

On Friday, June 14, the APC suspended its participation in the Tripartite Committee, citing the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone’s (ECSL) refusal to release crucial data needed to examine the final election results, including the 60% announced outcomes.

However, in a press release on June 18, 2024, the APC announced its decision to resume participation in the Tripartite Committee despite ongoing challenges and a lack of cooperation from the SLPP government and the ECSL.

In a statement, the US Embassy in Freetown said: “The United States welcomes today’s resumption of the critical work of the Tripartite Committee. We urge the committee to continue to work rapidly in the spirit of compromise to develop comprehensive recommendations that will rebuild public trust in Sierra Leone’s electoral institutions.”